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  • Weekly Update - Tuesday 28th April

    Tue 28 Apr 2020

    Follow the link below to view this week’s update

  • Weekly Update - Monday 20th April

    Mon 20 Apr 2020

    Click here to view this week's update

  • Easter Update

    Mon 13 Apr 2020



    Dear parents, pupils and friends of Gilnahirk PS,

    I hope that this week’s update finds you all well and that you have been able to enjoy what was, admittedly, a rather different Easter weekend.

    As we enter our fourth week in our current lock down scenario, I do hope that as you read through this week’s update, you feel in touch with our school community (as I know many of you have been doing through WhatsApp and other media) and that some of the images and information you are about to see gives you a bit of a lift for the week ahead.



    Our rainbow trail has continued with a number of very creative rainbows submitted this past week. Thanks to Alba, Nadia, Felix, Lucy, Luca, Archer, Rhea and Lucie for sending their rainbows in. I particularly loved the rainbows made out of toy cars – very creative! Can you come up with new ideas for a rainbow? If you can, send them in for next week’s update!



    Having a bit more time on our hands has allowed many of our pupils (and parents) to get in touch with their artistic sides and you can see some of their brilliant work below. Well done to everyone who has submitted a piece of artwork this week. Keep up the fantastic work and keep drawing, painting and making!




    Many of you have been putting your culinary skills to the test in the last week again. By the time this lock down is over, we’re going to have a school full of Gordon Ramsays! That should make for some delicious break and lunch times in the staff room. I know you’d rather taste them, but I hope you enjoy looking at some of our children’s beautiful creations.



    Hopefully you have all taken a bit of time away from home learning in the last week, with a view to starting again on Monday 20th April. However, some of you have sent more photos of your brilliant home learners in action and they are posted below. Well done, everyone. Keep up the super work.

    Please see previous correspondences for arrangements for term 3 home learning but if you have any queries about this, please contact me on


    As a society, I think most of us have always held our NHS staff in the highest regard for the job they do but the last month has brought it into much sharper focus. I know that many of our parents, grandparents and friends are NHS workers and some of you find yourselves at the front line in the battle against this terrible virus, so we send our deepest appreciation and thanks to all of you. Tyler and Chloe have been busy showing their support for the NHS (pics below). Thanks for sending this in, Tyler and Chloe and remember everyone, stay home, save lives, protect the NHS.

    Poppy has also sent in a video reminder to all of us of the importance of staying at home. Thanks Poppy, we all need this important reminder!



    Last week, we had a great submission from Libby Lasini and this week, Ribh Pearson has submitted a lovely little acrostic poem. I love the positive note that it ends with – ‘we will have success’. You’re right, Ribh, we will. It can be hard to see it when we are in the middle of difficult times, but already we are beginning to see some small encouraging successes in our fight against this illness. Stay strong everyone!


    Daniel and family were recently excited to welcome Benji to the family. Daniel has been working hard training, walking and cleaning up after Benji.



    Isaac has had enough of the long hair and decided it had to go. As the picture will show, he probably should have made sure there was enough charge in the hair clippers before he started as he didn't quite get it all done. Sure, he'll not be going anywhere in a hurry so hopefully it will grow back in plenty of time. I'm a keen student of WW2 and your haircut reminded me of the famous 'filthy 13' of the 101st Airborne Division who fought at D-Day and beyond!!

    If you've taken the plunge, feel free to share your 'lockdown locks' in future updates!


    The Miller family recently went hunting for historical relics in the Castlereagh hills and came up with this little gem - an Irish patriotic clay pipe bowl (c1860 - 1910). The next generation of Time Teamers!



    There was a fantastic number of photos and information sent in this week showing all sorts of things that our families have been up to during lockdown. It has been great to see the images and read through what you have been up to and it is my pleasure to share them all with you. Enjoy!

    It is great to see what so many of you have been up to. Of course, while we celebrate the opportunities lockdown has afforded in terms of family time, it can be easy to put yourself under pressure and feel that other families are doing so much more than your own. I encourage you to continue to send in photos for our updates to but remember, what we are seeing are the highlights of family life, a bit like social media in that respect.

    Along with your own highlights, you may have had a few tough days, when tensions were high and relationships strained, and that's ok too. Stay positive everyone and remember, the end of this thing will come and we will all have learnt a few things about ourselves along the way.


    And finally...

    Leo from P1 sent a reminder of the importance of Easter, of hope in the face of despair, love in the midst of hatred, light overcoming darkness and forgiveness in an unforgiving world. Thanks for this Leo and (a rather belated) Happy Easter to you all.


    With kindest regards and warm wishes.


    D Corbett


  • Weekly Update -Monday 6th April

    Mon 06 Apr 2020

    Dear parent,


    We have made it to the first day of the Easter holidays! It has been a strange two weeks, when we have all tried to adjust and come to terms with life as it is at the minute but I’ve tried to see every day as another one closer to normality. I do hope that you are all doing well and that the upcoming Easter fortnight, as different as it will feel to a normal Easter, can bring a bit of a change in routine as your focus shifts away from home schooling to other things.



    As I have said all along, it is important that we all continue to set ourselves realistic expectations with regard to home schooling – what you will do at home can never replicate the school experience but just continue to do the best you can.

    Don’t forget that after Easter, P1-P4 parents should go to the school website, then go to the relevant class pages for weekly timetable updates to guide your home schooling. P5-P7 children will work via Google Classroom – most children are now sorted with log in details. Please contact me if you have any difficulties with this. Helpful guides can be found at learning/

    Most importantly, take the Easter break to do other things with a renewed focus on school work from Monday 20th April.




    With our new lifestyles spent predominantly at home, it can be easy to get in to a rut where activity and fitness are concerned. It has been great to hear from some of our families about how they are keeping up with this side of things. Remember, government guidance is one form of exercise a day, so do take the opportunity to get the children (and adults) out for a walk or a cycle, in line with social distancing restrictions. 



    In the last week it has been great to see so many photos of rainbows being sent in. Like I said last week, they really give me a lift at the start of the day and I hope they do the same for you. Keep them coming! Thanks to Jack (P7), Zara (P4), Fraser (P4), Mason (P2), Katie (P7), Noah (P5), Luke (P1) and Freja (P4) for sending their rainbows in. A particular well done to James Nicol (aged 371/2) and Christine Nicol (aged 361/2) for their lovely rainbows. They are such good boys and girls!

    Keep those rainbows coming!


    I’M BORED!

    There’s a very good chance that over the next couple of weeks and beyond, you will hear the immortal words, ‘I’m bored’. I have heard of so many things that some of our families have been up to over the last couple of weeks and have included a few photos below. There are many websites out there with suggestions for things to do but the following link gives some really simple, doable ideas when the boredom hits!

  healthandbeauty/mother-and- baby/2020033187221/things-to-do-with-kids- at-home/

    Here are a few images of what some of our Gilnahirk pupils have been up to in the last week when the boredom kicks in!



    Katie, Noah and Luke have been busy making some beautiful painted rocks. Perhaps when you are out for your daily exercise, you could keep a keen eye out for them. They are meticulously painted and include some uplifting messages of love and support. Great stuff!


    Libby Lasini has been busy getting in touch with her poetic side and has written a poem about her experiences of lockdown. These are indeed historic times we are living in and children recording their thoughts is such a valuable thing to do. Well done, Libby. Your poem is so well written, honest and full of emotion. Keep up the writing!

    When I`m stuck inside

    I like to read my books so wide.

    Though I have to hide from my sisters

    They`re just like annoying little blisters!

    It`s very hard to understand

    Why Covid-19 came to land.

    So, I like to read my book

    To get way from Mum’s worried look.

    When I read, I forget reality

    And focus on the story’s personality.

    The characters are like my friends

    Helping me through dramatic bends.

    I`m glad we`re staying inside

    From the virus we can safely hide.

    Libby Lasini


    Budding Steven Spielbergs...

    Katie, Noah and Luke Thompson have been developing their movie making skills and have produced a Lego movie of the story of the Prodigal Son. Easter allows us all a bit of time to reflect and I suppose there's a bit of the prodigal in all of us. Thanks, Katie, Noah and Luke for your timely reminder of this brilliant story of love, regret, grace and forgiveness.



    Scott (P4) and Cameron (P2) have been doing a bit of baking this past week. They made delicious looking rainbow cookies. I can almost taste them as I look at them on my computer screen. Can’t wait for the day when we’re all back in school and I can actually get to eat these lovely creations!



    Testing times can often bring out the best in people and it was great to hear about Katie (P7) who recently helped her mum do an Asda shop for the Dundonald foodbank using money that was raised locally. Well done, Katie – that is a beautiful thing that you have done and remember, ‘no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted’.



    An urgent need has arisen at the Mater Hospital in Belfast requiring any old baby monitors/listening devices to be donated. This will assist in communication between staff at the ICU ward caring for patients with Coronavirus. The hospital would greatly appreciate your help in this regard, so if you have any old baby monitors or listening devices lying around, you can donate them via school. Simply bring them up to school when you are out on your daily exercise and place them in the box at the front entrance. Your help will be very much appreciated by our brilliant NHS staff at the Mater.



    Hello again everyone. I hope you are all doing well and doing everything that mum or dad are asking you to do. Be kind to mum and dad – they are trying their very best and just want you to be happy! Today is the first day of what would normally be our Easter holidays. Obviously it will feel a bit different to normal Easter holidays but hopefully you can take a bit of time to do some other things over the next couple of weeks apart from school work. Easter is a time of new life, hope and new beginnings so, in the middle of these strange times we are in, let’s remember every day that passes is another day closer to normal life beginning again and who knows what new things will come from the times that we’ve been through. Take care everyone. We miss you all.

    Don't forget if you would like to contribute anything to our weekly updates, you can send information and photos to

    Kindest regards and warm wishes to you all.


    D Corbett

