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School Closure Confirmation

Dear parent,

It is with a genuinely heavy heart that I write to you to confirm the news that school will close to pupils from Friday 20th March at 3pm. Even as I write this, I am in a state of disbelief that this may be the last time that our children attend school in this academic year. I know that I speak for all of the staff at Gilnahirk Primary School when I say I am deeply saddened by this decision, while understanding its necessity in order to combat the common enemy that we face in Coronavirus.

Having consulted with my colleagues and friends at Gilnahirk, we have resolved to resist the temptation to follow many other schools who have already closed. It is our desire to open as normal on Thursday and Friday as we have been advised, and if this is to be farewell for the academic year, then we want to at least do it with some sense of finality and closure. It should be reiterated, however, that no resumption date has been given. However slight it might be, I hold some hope that we may return at some point in the summer term.

At this point it seems likely that staff will meet early next week to finalise provision for term 3. You should aim to work through the packs that have been given out today (Wednesday) in the run up to Easter and then take a well-earned break for two weeks, scheduled for Monday 6th April to Friday 17th April. If you have yet to collect your child’s pack, they are still in the front entrance hall in clearly labelled boxes. You should aim to resume your focus on school work from Monday 20th April, the details for which will have been provided well in advance of this date. As I have said before, I am realistic about the fact that none of this can ever be a match for what we offer in school and the patterns that you settle in to will differ from family to family, but it is vital that school work remains a high priority during term time.

There are so many other issues that cannot be covered in a single correspondence so I will keep in regular contact with you over the next weeks and months.

Please take note of the following other points:

Please ensure that you have provided your most up to date email address to school.

Check our website and Twitter feed regularly during the closure

Download ‘TheSchoolApp’ to your smartphone or tablet and search for Gilnahirk Primary, to receive notifications.

Return any reading books you may have at home with your child or in to the labelled boxes in the front entrance if your child is absent.

If your child is absent, please collect their PE kit and other belongings from their locker or hanger by Friday

And finally, children may come to school on Friday in non-uniform as a last hurrah before we part ways for the foreseeable future. Finishing times will remain as normal.

If you are one who believes in the power of prayer, I ask you to join me and many others at GPS as we pray for a quick resolution to this global crisis. May we all look to the ‘Rock who is higher than I’ in these uncertain and anxious times.

With kind regards and warm wishes,

D Corbett

