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Home Learning Reminders

Dear parent,

In response to a number of inquiries from parents regarding home learning, please take note of the following reminders:


This was distributed last week and was designed to give your child enough to work on until the Easter holidays. If you find that you are running short of work, please use the one of the many online learning platforms that are offering free resources to supplement what your child has already done



P1-P4: Work for after Easter was distributed to the children before the school closure. If your child was not in school when the work was distributed, you were invited to come to school and collect it from the front entrance. There are still a number of work packs that have not been collected. You should aim to collect these as soon as possible, observing the social distancing protocols currently in place. Weekly timetables will be uploaded after Easter on to the relevant class pages on our school website:


P5-P7: Children will complete work via Google Classroom. Every child was logged on to their classrooms before school closure, even if they were not in school, so children should be able to log in without any need for the class code. A step by step instruction guide can be found on the school website in the parents section under online learning. Please note that for Child Protection reasons, parents should not use their own google account to access your child’s classroom.



We can all only do our best in these unusual circumstances, so do not put yourselves and your families under undue stress and pressure. Strive to find a balance between the importance of school work and the importance of family harmony!

If you have any queries or difficulties with any of this, please do not hesitate to contact me on

With kind regards

D Corbett

